About Us

Family Photo

Wise County Chicken Farm was created back in 1995. It is a 2.5 generation home based farm where we specialize in all kinds of Fowl. Chickens, Ducks, Geese, Guineas, Peafowl, and more. 

The 'Chicken Man', who originally started it, (my father) is well known in our small tight knit community. You probably know him as the guy who wears a tank top year-round and a cowboy hat or your "Chicken guy" from Bowie Trades Day, or simply just by name - Glenn Albritton. 

The Chicken Man

Back in 1994 when I was eight, my mother passed away. When they tell you it takes a village to raise a kid, that is exactly what our little town did. I'm very thankful for all the mother hens in our little (not so little now) town of Paradise. I'm grateful for everything they did to help in our 'raising'.

Family Photo

Little did I know, the new little Chicken venture and legacy I follow would emerge in the months following my mother's death. I certainly didn't expect it grow into what it is today. The thing that most people and I remember and loved about my dad, is that he was always there. He never missed a single game, or a single practice. If it was something we were involved in or wanted to do, he supported us in it 110%. I carried those memories around like a badge of honor throughout my childhood and even today. 

Family Events

For years growing up, I all but loathed chickens. I didn't understand the passion, the commitment, or what the purpose was. As a child, I only saw it as work. It was feeding, it was cleaning, it was moving birds around from Trades Day to Trades Day, it was collecting eggs, it was treating sick birds. It didn't matter if it was snowing, sleeting, raining, or just plain Texas hot. It seemed never-ending. It wasn't until I was older, that I really learned to appreciate the feathered creatures.

Dad and Us

One day, I asked my father, "Why Chickens?". Halfway, expecting him to come up with a smart, witty comeback like he normally would, he said, "it was a way to be closer to y'all kids after your mother died". In that moment, I realized (being a mother of 3 myself, plus 2 bonus kids) Just how much sense that made to me. 

I still wasn't sold on the idea of continuing his legacy, and still hadn't even really considered continuing it outside of my small peddling of birds here and there. I mean, after all - it's kind of hard to compete with a man who raised 3 kids by himself and was self-employed his entire life.

At the end of 2019, I found myself eerily in the same position my father was once in back in 1994. I was a mother of three, my daughters father passed away unexpectedly, and here I was trying to figure out how I was going to raise 3 kids by myself. And still trying to stay as a stand in step-mom to his 2 boys. 

Girls and their Dad

For months, I struggled working a corporate job in the Animal Healthcare field, just trying to get to the next day. Eat, Sleep, Repeat, seemed to be my cycle. I got up early to get kids dressed, worked an hour and a half away from my home. I'd get home at 8pm, rush kids through homework, showers, dinner and off to bed, and do it all over the next day. 

It was exhausting!

It didn't take me too long to figure out that something had to give, I just wasn't sure what that was. A good friend and colleague of mine at the time, jokingly said, "Better start selling chickens with your dad then!". That's when my light bulb went on. I crunched numbers over and over again, worked to pay things off as much as possible so I can live as debt free as I could.

Wise County Chicken Farm

In 2020, I took the plunge. Full time "Chicken Slinging" as we call it in my family. It was one thing that I knew a lot about. And I have the best resource of all, my father. What I haven't seen. He has. That's when I officially gave the family a business name and created the Facebook page and followed it with a webpage. In 2023, I did a major overhaul on our website to give you guys an easier glance at what we have available at any given time. 

My entire family has taken a part in raising quality chickens for our customers. Whether for meat, or for a backyard pet, we try to make sure our customers know that they are paying for the best at a very reasonable and affordable rate. Our services extend much further than just 'the person you buy your chickens from" as I stay available to my customers to help answer even the basic of questions that they need. 

Is it a lot of work? YES! I know that you're going to love what we have to offer and love that I can be available to help you answer questions about raising your birds as healthy as possible. I am extremely grateful and thankful to all the people who have helped support me, coach me, raise me, teach me, and mentor me to get to where I'm at today, and I can only hope that I can help do that for someone else. 


My Family