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Wise County Chicken Farm



Regular price $25.00 USD
Sale price $25.00 USD
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Male and Female Available

  • Size: 6 lbs to 8 lbs
  • Temperament: Active, Alert
  • Egg Production: 200-250 plus medium brown Eggs/Year
  • Hardiness: Cold and Heat Hardy
  • Broodiness: Occassionally

Guineas are actually a dual-purpose breed as well. Generally, they are in rather high demand and known for their lean, tender and dark quality meat. They are great at pest control. Guineas do a lot better when they are allowed to free range. They do best in even numbers as they do pair up during mating season. They are known to eat grasshoppers, kill mice, and kill snakes too. A lot of people depend on Guineas to be their watch dogs for their poultry. The best way to sex them is to listen to their calls. Males make a one-syllable and females make a two-syllable call. They are a lot of fun to have around, and quite the chatter boxes. The best way to keep them is to raise them from Keets so they really know where home is.

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